servile snarker. Deceased Parents Are the Best : Dick rarely has anything but fond memories of his parents after their deaths, and he's lived a pretty amazing life under Batman's. servile snarker

 Deceased Parents Are the Best : Dick rarely has anything but fond memories of his parents after their deaths, and he's lived a pretty amazing life under Batman'sservile snarker Servile Snarker: He works for the Robinsons and doesn't hide his snarky side

Stiff Upper Lip: Never breaks his stoicism. Charlie: I couldn't help but notice that didn’t stop you from joining up in the first place. Justified in light that this fic is not only set right after Yue getting stomped in the Final Judgment, but right as he is coming to the harsh reality that Clow was not, in fact, the wise and sagely magician Yue thought him to be. He is one of Abaddon the Despoiler's most trusted and valued lieutenants and a member of the Ezekarion, the elite brotherhood of the Black Legion. Aubert's mother and father die, leaving her in possession of a mysterious family secret. Servile Snarker: Briefly becomes this during a heist wherein he's forced to play the role of a cantankerous Uncle towards Hale. . Subverted with Nataly Green. Haughty Help. Servile Snarker: To Hime. Well, neither does the Servile Snarker. With his wages several months in arrears, he has cause for his low opinion of Simon and he ultimately decides to run a con on his boss. This is usually done by making the hero extremely weak at that point in time, or making the boss unbeatable due to superior level or some outside force. Some two years after the events of Rebellion Madoka has been living in something resembling normalcy, though with the constant feeling that something is off. He was the third child of a Castillan bourgeoisie couple that moved to. Wildlife Commentary Spoof: Invoked in the Prologue, which announces the imminent exhibition of a certain "primeval animal", "known for its gluttony and uselessness", its name being estatium possessor (estate owner). He despises his employer and his idiotic decisions. The Servile Snarker is a combination of a Deadpan Snarker and The Jeeves (although the original Jeeves, as the above quote shows, can be pretty snarky). Personality type for Servile Snarker from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits. Lucy Played By: Katie McGrath Servile Snarker: Mrs. When Antonio is grandly pontificating to Sofia about wanting "the kind of love that makes us painters, poets, seamen," she comes in with a box and says "Mr. Within a few chapters, he's being just as snarky as any freed House Elf — and it's entirely possible that he's working with and learning from Kreacher. Create New. She does do this to other people (Shirogane being the most prominent), but the fact that she spends most of her time around Kaguya means she tends to get a lion's share of the teasing. Deadpan Snarker: To the sales staff. See also Servile Snarker - though due to. Tsundere: He acts rather grumpy towards Medaka, but it's rather obvious how he really feels. "Servile Snarker: Her belligerence is what convinces Darrow to give her the position as captain over her colleagues, who are too busy bickering and listing their accomplishments. Servile Snarker: Sadie to Rita. It helps she's played by Deadpan Snarker extraordinaire Thelma Ritter: Sadie: (commenting on how fancy a dinner Rita's planning) All this fancy schmancy because two people from the city are gonna eat here. It is the latest theatrical adaptation of Paul Féval's novel Le Bossu, directed by Philippe de Broca. The Bully: He bullies the children in Bloor's Academy often, and no one dares to stand up to him as he is the headmaster's son and a hypnotist. Space Pirates: She spends the one year Time Skip between Golden Son and Morning Star causing chaos and attacking Society ships. She Is Not My Girlfriend: With Haruhi. Crusty Caretaker / Servile Snarker: The Miglione's live-in housekeeper Maxine has elements of both. Servile Snarker; Sesquipedalian Smith; Set Switch Song "Setting Off" Song; Settle for Sibling; Severely Specialized Store; Sex for Services; Sex for Solace; Sexiness Score; Sex Sells; Sex Slave; Sexy Scandinavian; Sexy Secretary; Sexy Shirt Switch; Sexy Silhouette; Sexy Soaked Shirt; Sex Starts, Story Stops; Sexy Stewardess; Sexy Surfacing Shot. Vlad "The Count". Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Kazuma. His audience panics. (Keeping in mind, Sandy's upset that they cut off the call with David while he had to maintain his. Upon hearing someone refer to Batman as "insane," he remarks to Bruce, "What rot, sir! Why, you're the very paragon of sanity. And then they push it back another hour without warning, leading to another drop of a million viewers. Dedede should always be out to "get" Kirby, but less "kill" and more "humiliate, or otherwise defeat". He's terrified, thinking he's dead or kidnapped. but does so anyway in a way designed to slip under Character B's radar. Servile Snarker: HARV, Zach's AI assistant. Whis is this and a Servile Snarker towards Beerus. It's stupid. To put it plainly, it's Romeo and Juliet meets Brother–Sister Incest. Last-Minute Hookup: Zoey and Chase. The Woolfonts – Magna, Parva, Abbas, and Crucis – are placid, chocolate-box. Half of everything Spencer says counts as he has mastered Servile Snarker to an art form. In Season 2, Dora is replaced by Todd, who gives Max plenty of stoic snark. . Wrong Genre Savvy: Arguably subverted, possibly even a Double Subversion. Servile Snarker: When she's told that James IV speaks several languages, Princess Margaret declares that she "wishes him the plague in all of them!" Sibling Rivalry: Arthur and Harry. Deadpan Snarker: Especially when "babysitting" Nala and Simba. In fact, he and the other soldiers are literally "Lancers" by. Wamba, Court Jester and Servile Snarker, walks and breathes CMoA, but at the top of the list are: Volunteering to be the one who enters Front-de-Boeuf's castle disguised as a monk when everyone else is too afraid to take this role in the rescue plan. Servile Snarker: To Medaka. Iskandar Khayon (pronounced Sek-HANDUR KAIN), also known as the "Kingbreaker" and "Khayon the Black," is a Chaos Sorcerer and was once the Lord Vigilator of the Black Legion. Florence wasn't initially a Servile Snarker (but thanks to Louise's permission, she became one), and Allan went from being Ambiguously Brown to straight up Caucasian. You wouldn't like taking orders from some pompous, rich higher-up for a living, would you? Well, neither does the Servile Snarker. Dayna: Well, he says he can. Each eight-page story features Batman and has Deliberately Monochrome artwork. Combat Pragmatist, Only In It For The Money, Servile Snarker: The Spymaster, Deadpan Snarker, Knowledge Broker: Becoming The Mask, I Choose To Stay, Bodyguard Crush: Arranged Marriage, Manipulative Bitch, God Save Us From The Queen! Guile Hero, Chivalrous Pervert, Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Boisterous Bruiser, Adipose Rex, Hunting Accident Servile Snarker: He wouldn't be Alfred if he wasn't this. Nick. By the way, I've pressed your tights and put away your exploding gas balls. The Night King in Game of Thrones is The Voiceless which adds to his menacing demeanour but he often conveys disdain, taunts or Badass Boasts through facial expressions and body language and is a master of the Psychotic Smirk and. Shout-Out: Corto Maltese is a shout out to an Italian comic book by that name. Sharp-Dressed Man: Most notable at the Christmas party, where all the male characters appear in white tie. Natsu is Hiroko's sister, Ko is her husband, and Iroha is Ko's older brother. A character given to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides. Wildlife Commentary Spoof: Invoked in the Prologue, which announces the imminent exhibition of a certain "primeval animal", "known for its gluttony and uselessness", its name being estatium possessor (estate owner). The in-game CG artwork of her on. Ravonna Renslayer Morality Chain: She's one. It should be noted that, for its irreverent attitude, it's not that snarky at the player's expense, but does not miss a chance to throw a barb at Haruaki. Ship Tease: With Pod 153. Spinning off from Batman (Tom King), after the disastrous non-wedding, the series was initially written and drawn by Joëlle Jones. ) He's a lot less polite about it as a result. The story is considered by a significant portion of the fandom to be the basis of the. Servile Snarker: To Kurimu in episode 8. A butler, maid, slave,. Servile Snarker: Primarily Melchior to Ravirn, but it applies to any relationship where a person lets a webgoblin or webtroll talk back. Slasher Smile: He sports a harsh grin while trying to kill Batman. How did the straight-laced, no-nonsense, Servile Snarker Anders meet and become employed by the Carringtons? As a young man, he tried to pickpocketed the wallet of Blake's father Thomas, who in a moment of guile or charity gave Anders the money and offered him a job. Servile Snarker: And how. Servile Snarker: Even more so in the Broadway stage version, where he throws a. Morality Chain: She's one of the few people that can make Kang a bit more restrained. Maybe Ben 10. She gets a lot of positive reception for being a classy, polite Beleaguered Assistant and. Typically a Deadpan Snarker is the most cynical supporting character. Recap. The Jeeves / Servile Snarker: Chauncey, the butler for the Reese family is both The Jeeves for Logan’s father and an intense Servile Snarker for Logan himself; Just Friends; Ladykiller in Love: Logan, after he starts dating Quinn, he seem to be this, more if we have in mind his historial as a serial dater. Five mentions that androids aren't really supposed to be like that, but appreciates it, as it makes her more unique. 2013 British (… very, very British) novel by GMW Wemyss: the first in the Village Tales series. Played by Nic. novel interpretation, my lord. He opens comments and jokes about Whammudes and the codex of the day they found in the Black Library and even going against the Emperor. Scenery Porn: The prologue gives an elaborate description of the Planet of Red and Blue and how the different colors of its two suns give the world a remarkable duality of hue. " Looks like Tim destroyed a man's dream. " Shut Up, Hannibal! : Red Forager shuts up Mantis's attempts to intimidate him by revealing he's not the same Bug he was a season ago, putting his training from Nightwing and the Outsiders to good use, despite. Some. Cochran: Now, that’s out of line. about the leak (see Servile Snarker below) is the same staffer who helped Donna find out why Senator Stackhouse was holding up the Family Wellness Act with his filibuster. Statuesque Stunner: She's the tallest girl (at 176 cm) in the cast and is a treat for the eyes. Shout. She ably and loyally helps him at work while pouring out a neverending stream of vitriol. The easy camraderie we're used to seeing between Bruce and Alfred is gone, replaced by an old man desperately trying to keep his. Rank: Space Sergeant, First Class. Servile Snarker: He is loyal to Rupert Thorne, but makes a sarcastic quip about how Thorne thinks Batman can't be killed. The way Kruger handles this is hilarious. Shipper on Deck:. Athena is a Servile Snarker who dreams to arrange a marriage between her master and Charlotte, while Hanzo is a Blood Knight who waits for a perfect opportunity to break loose. Since he's dying, he doesn't care about concealing his hatred for his boss. " "If you don't want to tell me exactly what you're doing - when I'm asked, I don't have to lie. Shout-Out: During Vol 2 #150 Dick sings "The Daring. It's mitigated by a few heartwarming scenes, but the Servile Snarker we've seen in Michael Gough, Michael Caine, and Jeremy Irons is completely absent in this movie. But, as time went on, we started to grow fond of our servile snarker and her ways; sure she would trigger every trap from Riften to Markarth, take every arrow we tried to fire and generally would be a nuisance, but they were small blemishes compared to her undying devotion and skill with a blade that would eventually be repaid with peaceful. Servile Snarker: Shows shades of this when he inquires to Jeremiah whether he wants to know the forecast - which actually hinted to his master's doom. Upon hearing Arthur Reeves refer to Batman as "insane," he remarks to Bruce, "What rot, sir! Why, you're the very paragon of sanity. Sometimes he even seems to enjoy it. Grampa Bud / Bud Robinson . Merlin is more of a Servile Snarker since he's Arthur's servant, but Arthur and Gwaine fit this trope nicely. Portrayed by: Adam Aalderks. YMMV /. Shell-Shocked Veteran: Most noticeable in Junkyard Dog. Mayor: Who said that? They said I was a dreamer. Shout-Out: The English dub adds some in a few scenes where Sernia, while getting mad at being called "Drills," declares that her hair curls "can't pierce the heavens. Smug Snake: You wouldn't expect anything else from a rich mansion owner like Gareth. Yet she displays Jerk with a Heart of Gold tendencies at times, such as when she fixes Tony his favorite chicken dinner after he has a particularly rough day. The first time was a major struggle that even she admits was a near thing. Servile Snarker: He's the master snarker, and he very rarely lets anyone forget it. Servile Snarker: Doesn't bother hiding what an idiot she thinks Shinji is. Main Laconic Quotes VideoExamples VIDEOS: Charmcaster and Kevin Charmcaster brainwashes Kevin to do her bidding, but he's still able to snark at her plans despite carrying them out. It began its life on CBS and ran a couple of seasons on NBC before completing its run on ABC. . By the way, I've pressed your tights and put away your exploding gas balls. Someone To Remember Her By: Kind of. Servile Snarker: Toward Neji, at least. It concerns the story of the prince Manfred and his desire to avoid a curse placed upon his ancestors, which places him at risk of losing his castle and title. The original protagonist of the novel, a former orphan girl who saved the life of a baron and was later adopted by him. The year is 1814, and the War of 1812 is winding down. In fact, more often than not, it's she who bosses them around. Example of: Servile Snarker. In the Hood: We only ever see her without it after it falls off as she's Taking the Bullet for Kuzuki. Here, he's a helicopter pilot. Molière was born in 1622 as Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, one of the many children of the French royal tapestry-maker. When Malus asks Hauclir to sum up their present situation (namely stuck on a pirate ship hundreds of miles from shore, surrounded by people just waiting. The Svengali: A rare sympathetic take on this, but he still ultimately manipulates Murdoch into danger for his own gains. She’s pretty sassy even undercover. Making his style of ruling an interesting, but fun time when dressing down people under his command. Becomes a bit of a problem in "Three Days Of The Coin Op" when he has to go offline due to Truman messing with him, and "Missing Home" when he kicks the family out after they repeatedly act like jerks to. It's his job to keep Christophe in line with the company's goals, though his success in this matter tends to vary. In addition to Arthur being the Blue Oni. Tarrant: He says he's sorry most of the time. Bud Robinson. Iskandar Khayon (pronounced Sek-HANDUR KAIN), also known as the "Kingbreaker" and "Khayon the Black," is a Chaos Sorcerer and was once the Lord Vigilator of the Black Legion. Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Jeeves has a tendency to wear out a dictionary, driving Bertie and others to distraction with his long-windedness and fancy words. It doesn't mean he has to be polite about it. ; Character Development: Starts the series as a very stoic and reserved young man. Subverted with Nataly Green. A combination of Deadpan Snarker and The Voiceless, The Speechless or The Unintelligible. Frome has a husband at home. Sacramentum has a silver blade etched with Tizcan runes in spiralling mantras and mandalas. Servile Snarker: If you die and get revived by them a lot, their lines start to sound quite snarky. (He's still genuinely on Harry's side, just takes the piss constantly for everyone's own good. Subverted with Nataly Green. Tony: Stephen, this is Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts– Happy: Technically I'm his driver, she's his CEO. (Although James. ‎Show On The Tropes, Official Podcast of TV Tropes, Ep 229. The Bands of Mourning. *upon seeing the Ultramarines flee in the middle of one of his monologues* "Such is the courage of the Space Marines. "I suppose you'll have to brave it alone, then. (He's still genuinely on Harry's side, just takes the piss constantly for everyone's own good. A bully at school who picks on Mina. Even as Batman, he can't help himself from cracking wise. Batman Black and White is a DC Comics Anthology Comic series. Batman Wayne Family Adventures Episode 13 Stupid Traditions; Recap/Batman: Wayne Family Adventures;Combat Pragmatist, Only In It For The Money, Servile Snarker: The Spymaster, Deadpan Snarker, Knowledge Broker: Becoming The Mask, I Choose To Stay, Bodyguard Crush: Arranged Marriage, Manipulative Bitch, God Save Us From The Queen! Guile Hero, Chivalrous Pervert, Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Boisterous Bruiser, Adipose. Berserk Button: Do not harm Irene or Watson or Mary, just don't. Servile Snarker: Often makes truly deadpan sarcastic remarks to his employer; also, he is the only one allowed to affect mannerisms that Dracula would find disrespectful from anyone else. Sometimes she catches on, though. Half of her comments are about how awful the weather is (in a very sarcastic way), and the other half, which. The Smart Guy: Yul for the young mages. Too Dumb to Live: While he may have been partially motivated by fear, his decision to head out into a blizzard without even a coat was not a very smart one. Servile Snarker: When bringing tea to Mr. Alfred gets a few in his Servile Snarker role. The West Wing S 02 E 12 The Drop In. Servile Snarker: Hoskins, who like all honest policemen, hates bent coppers like Roy Slater. Digby loves the Redforts and they love her, but she isn't above snarking about Brant and Sabina's stupidity. Servile Snarker: Hallie doesn't have a problem talking back to the girls or indeed to Martha when she can help it. The Villains of Valley View is a Disney Channel sitcom from Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore (the creators of Lab Rats) that premiered in 2022, about a family of supervillains consisting of teenage main protagonist Amy Madden (Havoc), her parents Eva (Surge) and Vic (Kraniac), and her brothers Jake (Chaos) and Colby (Flashform). In turn, neither do the characters written this way. Nepetaquest 2011 is a Homestuck fanfic by MSPA Forum user aceofspudz. Well, neither does the Servile Snarker. Servile Snarker: He manages to deliver his lines sarcastically to an unsuspecting Horrox. Wildlife Commentary Spoof: Invoked in the Prologue, which announces the imminent exhibition of a certain "primeval animal", "known for its gluttony and uselessness", its name being estatium possessor (estate owner). I am soooooo blessed to have him as my boss. Different from Insult Backfire in that a Stealth Insult is intended to be misinterpreted by its target; indeed, it may sound like a compliment at first (which is why. A Lighter Shade of Black: She isn’t exactly on Batman’s team, but she isn’t out to control or torment the city like the other villains. Costner plays former Secret Service agent and freelance bodyguard Frank Farmer, hired to protect superstar singer-turned-actress Rachel Marron (Houston) after she starts getting death threats. I don't believe that either. George Washington actually is. The humor here is that we don't usually think of an adorable little kid as being sarcastic, and this character type is both smart and perceptive, capable of pointing. To the ponies of the Equestrian Civil Service, it is twenty-four hours of chaos, politics, weaponized dessert, politics, underhooved manipulation of media, politics, and things batrachian and tentacular. He's hiding in the luggage compartment, making out with MeLaan. The Deadpan Snarker comes in many forms; it could be the non-action guy, the sidekick, the Weasel Mascot, and even the cat. In his "lie mode", he could. Friday Night Death Slot: Book 2 aired Friday night instead of Saturday morning. The Starscream: He participated in the plan to kill Ratchett, having been. "The characters of the Sherlock Holmes 2009 film series. Tony usually directs some light insults at him, and Jarvis reacts as a Servile Snarker. To put it plainly, it's Romeo and Juliet meets Brother–Sister Incest. It became so successful that he could afford to move to the deluxe apartment that the show is set in. Example of: Walk and Talk. As Harley Quinn says, Mr. She takes the form of a black fox and a young girl. Mayor: Do you remember what they said when I first proposed this thing? Len Purvis: That you were grandstanding, that it was a self-serving stunt to big note yourself. This leads to the following exchange with his new employer-A favored tactic of the Deadpan Snarker, especially the Servile Snarker. See the page image. — Calvin and Hobbes. Deadpan Snarker: When Kleitus informs Xar that he intends to murder him at the first opportunity, Xar dryly responds that it must be pleasant for the lazar to have a goal still. O'Hara from Nurse Jackie is a female example. There, he meets the residents: Nice Girl Hilda who is the maid, her overprotective brother Sasha who is the cook, the master's personal valet. Subverted with Nataly Green. Landingham, of course, but also Dr. Servile Snarker; Undying Loyalty; Warrior Poet: In his younger days. Servile Snarker: Matti. Servile Snarker: When Lor-Zod complains that they're now stuck in the present, Ma'alefa'ak says, "Yes, like the rest of the universe. "Kinda funny. Shout-Out: "Jean-Paul Sartre's motorcycle gang" at the beginning ("I believe in the existentialist outlaw as hero, that is why I travel with these men"), AKA "Johnny Mathis and the Conan O'Briens. Etoile . Servile Snarker: Jewel sasses Al with a frequency that would get virtually anyone else a forwarding address in the bellies of Wu's pigs, but as much as he mocks her back, Al does tolerate it. Caster . Medea. A visionary. Mycroft Holmes of Sherlock. The Yes Man is often not very good at his job, though this is not always the case. Chapter 111. That’s out of line and that shouldn't have been said. The All-Seeing A. Bud Robinson. After all, they Can't Live Without You. Servile Snarker: Jeeves, naturally. A favored tactic of the Deadpan Snarker, especially the Servile Snarker. Servile Snarker: Charlie comes into his own here. Dayna: Well, he says he can. Servile Snarker: At least in the anime, Viktoriya keeps Tanya honest with periodic witty one-liners. Also Shaun, the probation worker from Series 2. Butley from Jimmy Two-Shoes, whose debut episode sees him being used by Beezy for everything to the point of living out Beezy's life. Canti from FLCL. " Recap /. Will make quips and snarks at everyone else but his mistress. They initially dislike each other, but despite his better judgement, feelings start to develop. The Gadfly: On top of being a Servile Snarker, Hayasaka loves to mess with Kaguya at any given opportunity as a form of stress relief for her job. He stabs the French sailors in a workman-like fashion with barely a snarl during exertions. . Leon Tolchinsky from Fools, the only character not to be infected with a curse of stupidity. ; When the girls debate how to punish the guys at the end of "Party Crasher", Kim declares "I volunteer as tribute!". He soothingly says he can keep sleeping and suddenly yells at him to wake up. "Shaggy Dog" Story: In at least half the episodes, the Girl of the Week ends up no better off for having sought Lord Zimbabwe's assistance. But as they attempt to repair their ship. View casting suggestions for Servile Snarker, and make your own suggestions for roles you think they should play in upcoming films!Servile Snarker - Wringham Senior's servant, John Barnett, is openly unimpressed with both of the Wringhims. Designated Monkey:. Also, when Leo is having Margaret plan his anniversary dinner, Margaret says Leo would look great in a smoking jacket, and pointedly looks at Josh. Florence wasn't initially a Servile Snarker (but thanks to Louise's permission, she became one), and Allan went from being Ambiguously Brown to straight up Caucasian. Tarrant: That's no problem so long as Slave can match vectors. ‎We talk about the trope SERVILE SNARKER and give our top 5 favorite examples!! Be sure to subscribe and rate us on your favorite pod catcher. Maws and Mummer Tolliver. Deadpan Snarker: Even being insulted by a Jerkass such as Elia Aspys does not darken her sense of humour. Campbell is tending to the garden Catarina helped set up. Nigel. If not, he is never seen or mentioned again after Dutch's death. Servile Snarker: The SOL crew make Eulabelle out to be this, given that she's the only character in the film with any competence. Archie Goodwin is actually hired by Nero Wolfe to do this. An implicitly French nun as seen from the montage that implied she. Admiral Raddus, the movie's counterpart of Admiral Ackbar,. Servile Snarker: The waiter at Melville's, who snarks about how long Rebecca takes to make an order. Ambiguously White: The nun named Janet, as far as her features go. Sometimes, most notably when the boss's actual ability is lacking, they can be frighteningly efficient. Servile Snarker: Vincenzo. Servile Snarker: Even though she tries hard to maintain a professional attitude, the Ultimate Maid isn't above letting her exasperation at her fellow prisoners' eccentricities show through at times. After the train attack, Wax can't find Wayne. It's also been touted by Morrison as their last mainstream comic work. Servile Snarker: Bykov misses occasional verbal fights and snarky comments from Lyuba; when Rita (who replaced her) realises that he bullies her in attempt to provoke her, and retaliates, it makes Bykov leave her alone. Servile Snarker: Isn't above mocking his master or snarking at him. Servile Snarker: This is Odina's dynamic with Klaus. Smart House : He controls the house that the X's live in. Shout-Out : The title is a play on the 1955 war film To Hell and Back . On the side of the villains, Freeza is a darker example than most. Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: After spending most of the movie being an innocent child not understanding. It's justified, though, given this is the first time she and Garak have spoken in years and both people are clearly emotionally overwhelmed. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader,. The Frogs. A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides. : Oz can and will actively attack Pyro Agents even after they go invisible. After Sam finally orders for her, the waiter hands Rebecca a dessert menu and says "I thought you might like to hit the ground running. "Mr. Siegfried Farnon also qualifies, however; eccentric and grumpy he might be with people, but with animals he is amazing. The trope image is from a Nightwing issue in in fact. Hidden Depths: He has a long history of various jobs, from boxer to organist. Shout-Out: To Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series: "How typical. Servile Snarker: Mu-deok, as Uk’s “maid”. Servile Snarker: Mken's advisor/bodyguard in the prologue has a habit of subtly mocking his boss by referring to him with superfluous honorific courtesies. Tropes: Badass Preacher: As is inherent in a Dungeons & Dragons cleric. Instead of being a passive-aggressive, servile snarker, Dee should be a totally loyal, yes man to the king, with only occasional moments of "This isn't such a good idea, sir. Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments. Nightwing eventually becomes Batman. She Cleans Up Nicely: When Cameron starts wearing the girl's uniform at the end of her route, Robin makes note of how good she looks in it. Servile Snarker: Matti. Servile Snarker: Alfred has a witty response when Bruce asks him to attend the gala. Beard Of Awesome: Has a bushy beard and is the movie's badass protagonist. When Vincent tells him that he needs him to fix it, Daniel retorts that they could "create a time machine and have [Vincent] make better choices". Peyton Cabot Harrison III is the White House's choice to appoint to the Supreme Court, and they anticipate smooth sailing and no trouble getting him confirmed. Different from Insult Backfire in that a Stealth Insult is intended to be misinterpreted by its target; indeed, it may sound like a compliment at first (which is why. The Trickster openly questions and mocks authority, encourages impulse and enthusiasm, seeks out new ideas and experiences, destroys convention and complacency, and promotes chaos and unrest. Servile Snarker: Barty really shouldn't have been subjected to Sirius and Remus. A Servile Snarker, as defined by TV Tropes, is simply a servant of yours who happens to be a Deadpan Snarker. Also a Servile Snarker. In On The Razzle, by Tom Stoppard, the Servile Snarker Melchior uses the word "Classic" constantly. Servile Snarker: In the cartoon, he can switch between being a naive follower of Jim or a neurotic commentator to his bumbling from scene to scene. The Ronin will snark at them and their naiveté, but is very loyal nonetheless. Servile Snarker: Serves Tony and the Avengers dutifully and loyally, but he sometimes gives deadpan comments. The Servile Snarker is a combination of a Deadpan Snarker and The Jeeves (although the original Jeeves, as the above quote shows, can be pretty snarky). When she discovers Tootie lied, she's incredibly guilty and apologises, and John shows her all the injuries she caused. After the train attack, Wax can't find Wayne. Posted 10 months ago. Continuity Snarl: Bartlet calls Leo and Babish "men of Chicago", but Josh had called Leo "Boston Irish-Catholic". Kaoru Daichi. it's just the way some people use it without discrimination. Written in 1633, 'Tis Pity She's A Whore is a Jacobean tragedy by John Ford (a different John Ford ). Charmcaster and Kevin. Demoted to Extra: During the second half of the first movie and its sequels. The Mole: To Kalandorn. Vados is well-liked by the fandom, despite mostly being a Distaff Counterpart to her brother. Uncertain Doom: In some endings, things don't look good for Gerard. Sam Carter is promoted to Major, and Jack O'Neill steps up to give a speech. Grantaire of Les Misérables is about as cynical as they come, yet follows Enjolras to revolution despite his disparaging remarks. Strictly speaking, your proposed snark-trope would be misuse of Deadpan Snarker if the character didn't habitually snark. and also a mindless berserker that attacks anything nearby, usually Jim. Shipper on Deck: He's quite supportive of Naruto and Hinata, even setting up events so they'll dance together at the annual Hyuga ball. Servile Snarker: This seems to be the kind of butler Akiharu aspires to be. The Black Legion call him Kingbreaker, the mage who brought Magnus the. The Dragon is sometimes the Yes Man, though just as often goes to the opposite extreme. Klaus: To think. Voiced by: Mark Hamill. Though he’s a bit of a goof. Like a Son to Me: Alfred gives a double moment with a single line; in "Old Wounds" at Dick Grayson's college graduation, he says that Dick is like a second son to him. Veronica Mars. I need you to fix this. Professional Butt-Kisser. When Malus asks Hauclir to sum up their present situation (namely stuck on a pirate ship hundreds of miles from shore, surrounded by people just waiting. The two previous animated adaptations, the OLM Incorporated 1997-98 TV. Inasa Yoarashi . Embarrassing First Name: Earlier appearances gave him the first name Harry, though he later states it's Beverly. Terrified of Germs: Jasper wears latex gloves at all times to avoid touching germs with his bare skin. A butler, maid, slave, servant, whatever, who is heavily sarcastic to their master and/or their master's guests and yet still manages to keep their job. Servile Snarker: A hilarious blink-and-you'll-miss-it comment in "Two Boats and a Lifeguard", to a soldier making anti-German comments: Asshole. While Amane started working for the Amawashi's to provide for her family, she became enamored with Aoi's golf and resolved to do everything possible to see her become a pro, even if it means helping Aoi defeat Amane's beloved aunt Reika. May 25, 2022 1:50PM. Jess owns this trope. Florence wasn't initially a Servile Snarker (but thanks to Louise's permission, she became one), and Allan went from being Ambiguously Brown to straight up Caucasian. The Servile Snarker is a combination of a Deadpan Snarker and The Jeeves (although the original Jeeves, as the above quote shows, can be pretty snarky). Apart from that, stories vary wildly in style, setting, subject. Apparently, Kleitus makes Xar nervous, and being nervous makes the Lord of the Nexus particularly snarky. Alfred: You don't pay me nearly enough for that, sir. He played in more than 150 movies, and he is still well remembered and very beloved in the francophone world and Continental Europe in general. His main Pokemon are Gardevoir named Athena and Greninja named Hanzo. NOT!! Silent Snarker: *Facepalm* Silicon Snarker: Because giving AI a human personality was. ; Death Faked for You: He fakes Li Changru's death. How much stronger? In the ending, after Beerus has handily beaten virtually the entire cast and throws a tantrum after sampling some wasabi, Whis knocks Beerus into sleep with one Dope Slap — and this incident is Played for Laughs. Sycophantic Servant. ; Bond One-Liner: Quite possibly one of, if not the, most badass examples in. This, however, was just a buddy game between them, and Jarvis' death in Ultimates 2 issue 9 confirms that Stark genuinely cared about him. The Alcoholic: Mac spends a third of his screentime drinking, and all he really wants to do is get drunk in his shack. Servile Snarker: He works for the Robinsons and doesn't hide his snarky side.